My Blog
Thoughts from a heart that is breaking for those who are broken.
In a world with billions of broken hearts and smashed dreams, there is hope for us. We are Compelled to Fly.

Last weekend, I said goodbye to the village where I’ve lived for the last year. The whole week, I’d led week of prayer for the

Last night, the church members on our side of the village were meeting together to read the Bible and pray, as they do every evening.

The Silence of God
What do we do when God doesn’t answer our prayers? When you, or I, or our prayer group, or even thousands of united praying Christians

Thank you for Pain
Last Wednesday, in the Philippines, on the western island of Palawan, a helicopter took off, headed to a remote island, more than an hour over

If He Cares For Sparrows…
As part of a training session we’re doing with all our church members, they’re meeting each morning this week, in small groups all over the

Deliverance [True Story]
I first wrote this story in 2016, the same year it happened. I rediscovered it recently among old documents, and after editing it slightly, decided

Real Strength
The dim light in the courtroom illuminated their faces. The soldiers standing guard, rolling their eyes in exasperation at the ridiculous proceedings. Their faces contrasted

It’s two days into the new year. The great controversy still rages. Our God (and our adversary) are ever the same. And I have but

Grace (A Christmas Story)
It was a dark and gloomy day in Tansua. The sun still shone; the river still tumbled out of the hills and ran, gurgling and

When We Contaminate the Father’s House
It was a typical morning in the animal market. The sun beat down from overhead, promising a hot afternoon. Weary shoppers, hoping to finish their

What Breaks the Father’s Heart
It has been said that more people in the world have access to a cellphone than a toilet. In the country where I live, a

The Beauty of Tears
How is it possible to love a sparrow, or a chicken, or hamster, or any other animal? I was discussing this today with a friend,