In a world with billions of broken hearts and smashed dreams... there is hope for us.
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Delighting in His Law
I was scrolling Amazon’s list of Kindle book recommendations below the one I had just purchased for a class, today, when I came across an interesting-looking devotional book, based on the book of Psalms. The introduction recommended that a reader read the day’s selection from the Psalms, meditate on its meaning for themself and journal their thoughts, then read the

Delighting in His Law
I was scrolling Amazon’s list of Kindle book recommendations below the one I had just purchased for a class, today, when I came across an interesting-looking devotional book, based on the book of Psalms. The introduction recommended that a reader read the day’s selection from the Psalms, meditate on its meaning for themself and journal their thoughts, then read the
About Me
My name is Jared Ratcliff, and I am a young adult, youth camp counselor, and English teacher. But… I guess you came for more than that. When I first started this blog, I described here the beautiful setting of my home in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. But then, in the summer of 2020, I boarded a plane, and two flights and a road trip later, I arrived in my new home in the mountains of Mondulkiri, Cambodia. . .